Tuesday, March 06, 2012

keeping my heart in love

So far this year, it's been really low key. I'm just doing my thing at work, and Ruco is busy in his last semester at Cal Berkeley. He has been teaching a class this semester (graduate student instructor), and has been loving it. He never thought he would. But, I could always see him as an old man professor! ;) ps-T-minus 2 months until Ruco is finished! I am SO excited!

In February, we had our hang out with the Lohse's in Lake Tahoe. That was awesome. Such a special time of renewal with friends who are just so easy and loving! They have a lot of life changes-they just moved to Las Vegas, were busy closing on a new house, and pregnant with their first baby! It was great to hang out with them in such a beautiful place and catch up...

God has been teaching me so much lately! I think I got a tad bit prideful around Valentine's day. There was a plethora of blogs about marriage, and I read so many of them. They were all Christian blogs, and all talked about how marriage is WORK! and how it's so hard, but it's what God has called us to do, so you have to man up...

 I REALLY appreciated the honesty and openness, but I haven't been able to relate. My marriage thus far, hasn't been "work" or "hard." For some reason, Ruco and I rarely fight. I think maybe neither of us have the energy to do so...haha!

But I got really prideful about my marriage. And then God started bringing to my attention how little "work" I have put into keeping my heart in love with Him, lately. And how relationships ARE work. ouch! As usual, I get so focused on what I am "doing" for God, without really understanding why scripture talks so much about the fact that God is concerned about my heart and relationship with Him. I read a really good devotion that talked about keeping my heart in love with Jesus. I mean, really how can I "DO" anything, and be obedient in my life if my heart is not fully aligned with God's? I started thinking that God might be calling me to do things NOW, and that I have not been listening/being obedient (therefore possibly affecting the lives of others), because I haven't been WORKING on keeping my heart in love with Him!!!

And, so for the last week or so, I have been crying out to God to keep my heart in line/love with His. Why do I need this lesson over and over again??!? Staying close in relationship with God IS work (thought it feels like it more in some seasons, and less in others). And perhaps that will be the way it is with Ruco and myself. For this season, keeping my heart in love with Ruco hasn't been hard...but who is to say that in another season of life, our relationship won't in fact, feel like "work?"  Maybe when babies come into the picture!??? ;)

Because certainly, I can remember other seasons in my relationship with Jesus..when He was all I could think and talk about. I only wanted to be in His presence. I am praying for that now. For my heart to desire communion with His more than ANYTHING else...


Anonymous said...

Very inspiring, Kristi. Take care, God bless. Andorize. x

Kristi Van Der Merwe said...

Thanks, Andorize! Hope you guys are doing great!!! xoxo